121 Burton Road, Didsbury, M20 1HZ

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Osteopathy and Cranial Osteopathy
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Our Osteopaths

What is osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a medical treatment discipline focused on improving the structural balance of the body as a whole, particularly the spine, muscles and joints.

Osteopaths have a holistic appreciation of how the body works and recognise that the body has a strong ability to heal itself. Often the osteopath’s approach is to treat and take away the mechanical factors that are stopping the process of self-healing taking place. This not only helps address injuries as they present to the osteopath in practice, but will usually reduce the chance of them returning in future.

Osteopathic treatment is non-invasive and does not use drugs. Osteopaths use muscle stretching, joint articulation and manipulation, and where appropriate the gentle practice of cranial osteopathy. Exercises are usually given, as is guidance on posture and other changes a patient can make to their lifestyle to help prevent future problems.

What kinds of problems can osteopathy help with?

  • Back and neck pain - This can vary in intensity from dull aches to highly acute and locking pains. It may have associated arm or leg pain or changes in sensation. It is very broadly occurring, affecting males and females of all ages. It can be caused by time at a computer, driving, manual work, it can be due to postural problems, stress or traumas such as falls or road accidents.
  • Sports Injuries - Most sports involve intense bursts of activity including combinations of movements or changes of direction. They may result in impacts or lots of repetition and this increases the risk of injury. Osteopathy can often treat these injuries and improve mechanical function which can reduce the chance of injury elsewhere and potentially improve performance.
  • The postural changes of pregnancy Both during pregnancy and the period after giving birth are times when tremendous mechanical loads and changes are placed upon a woman's body. Osteopathy can help cope with and adapt to these changes as well as treat pelvic, neck, shoulder, back and leg symptoms as they arise.
  • Shoulder problems - These may be due to sports injuries or computer use, or they may be related to ageing.
  • Hip and knee injuries - Osteopathy is commonly used to treat patients with sports injuries affecting these joints such as patellofemoral pain or runners knee, and the elderly suffering with problems associated with degenerative change.
  • The pain of arthritis - Osteoarthritis, or wear and tear of joints, is due to long term usage and cannot be reversed. However, osteopaths can help minimise the pain and maximise function of the affected area which can significantly improve the quality of life of the sufferer. This is particularly beneficial to hips, knees, shoulders and the spine.

Many conditions can be treated or relieved by osteopathy. Some specific examples are:

  • Pregnancy
  • Runner's Knee

Nick Vine (Registered Osteopath) will be happy to advise as to wether he could help you with your own particular problem.

Please feel free to read our informed consent and risk of adverse reactions to treatment information on our About Us page.

What can I expect when I visit an osteopath?

When you visit an osteopath for the first time a full case history will be taken and you will be given an examination. You will normally be asked to remove some of your clothing and to perform a simple series of movements. The osteopath will then use a highly developed sense of touch, called palpation, to identify any points of weakness or excessive strain throughout the body.The osteopath may need additional investigations such as x-ray or blood tests. This will allow a full diagnosis and suitable treatment plan to be developed for you.

How many treatments will I need?

Osteopathy is patient centred, which means treatment is geared to you as an individual. Nick should be able to give you an indication after your first visit. For some acute pain one or two treatments may be all that is necessary. Chronic conditions may need ongoing maintenance. An average is 6 to 8 sessions.

Do I need a referral from my GP?

A formal referral from your GP is not necessary, the majority of osteopathic patients self-refer. If you'd like to get treatment paid for by a private health scheme contact your insurer first.

How does osteopathy work?

Osteopaths work with their hands using a wide variety of treatment techniques. These may include soft tissue techniques, rhythmic passive joint mobilisation or the high velocity thrust techniques designed to improve mobility and the range of movement of a joint. Gentle release techniques are widely used, particularly when treating children or elderly patients. This allows the body to return to efficient normal function.

How can I be sure I am in safe hands when visiting an osteopath?

A Registered Osteopath has demonstrated to the General Osteopathic Council via a detailed application process that they are a safe and competent practitioner, that they have adequate malpractice insurance and have agreed to abide by a Code of Practice.

Can I have osteopathy on my private medical insurance?

Many private health insurance schemes give benefit for osteopathic treatment. Some companies will reimburse the total fee or pay a percentage of the costs. Contact the helpline of your insurance company who will explain the actual benefits and methods of claim for your individual policy.